Peter Bourke
17 Mar 2023
The Office of Fair Trading informed the industry on the 25th of February that it had published a new Information Standard for the sale of e-bikes in NSW.
The new standard was made a legal requirement on the 19th of February.
The Information Standard details can be found at https://legislation.nsw.gov.au/view/pdf/asmade/sl-2025-43Key considerations - Suppliers and traders must provide customers with essential safety information at the point of sale or supply.
An example template with suggested wording can be found at suggested template
- A supplier of e-micromobility vehicles must prominently display, on the supplier’s website and on or near an e-micromobility vehicle, before the time of supply, the following statement— Before using this vehicle, check the applicable local laws relating to your intended use of the vehicle on roads and road related areas- A supplier of e-micromobility vehicles must give a consumer the following statement at the time of supply
- WARNING: Do not dispose of this vehicle or components of this vehicle in household or kerbside garbage bins. When disposing of this vehicle or components of this vehicle, check the applicable local waste and disposal laws.
The office of Fair Trading enforcement officers are visiting stores to deliver an education campaign regarding the new requirements.
NSW Fair Trading will take an educational approach to the enforcement of the information standard and safety standards during the transitional period from 1 February 2025 to 1 August 2025. NSW Fair Trading will conduct inspections, issue educational material and provide advice to suppliers to assist them in understanding their new obligations. NSW Fair Trading will not penalise suppliers during this period. NSW Fair Trading reserves the right to vary its approach as appropriate to the circumstances, particularly in cases that may involve a significant risk of harm, or consumer or community detriment. If NSW Fair Trading identifies a product that is unsafe or a potential risk to life or property, NSW Fair Trading may take action, such as issuing a notice prohibiting the sale or recalling an unsafe product. A failure to comply with action taken in these circumstances may result in penalties.
The BIA has received advice that the Max continuous rated power listed on the safety handout must be the highest available in Australia.
If a brand advertises power as 500w locked, or 1000w unlocked for use on private property - the document must list the higher power.
If a brand provides the same bike/motor in two power configurations (eg one restricted for road legal and one private use only) - it must list the higher power of the motor on the information for both bikes.
The bike cannot be sold as road legal if it has a listed continuous rated power greater than 500w (even if it is restricted)
The BIA has requested greater clarification regarding signage requirements and handouts and will provide these to the industry as they become available.
For further questions contact your supplier, check out the BIA website NSW ebike regulations | bia or members can reach out to me at pbourke@bikeoz.com.au or 0438 871271